An adventure in itself...
Access to the Campanario Station is generally by sea, departing from Sierpe, the closest town with all-weather roads. Assuming you travel to Sierpe, a representative from Campanario will meet you at the designated place and time to transport you down the Sierpe river, through the largest mangrove forest in Central America, out to the ocean, and down the coast to Campanario's protected cove. Once there, everyone hops out into the warm surf to help carry the cargo to the field station and/or cabins. There are no roads, no docks, and no traffic at Campanario.
Of course, you could always hike in, but that might take you a while! The nearest community is called Playa Rincon, and the nearest town with an airport is Bahia Drake (Drake Bay).
Travel to and from Sierpe may be by chartered bus or shuttle, by private or rental vehicle, or by a combination of in-country flight or public bus plus taxi. The San José office staff can assist you in making reservations to and from Sierpe, or you can sign up for one of our packages which includes transport to and from San José. Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.
Departing Campanario is generally the exact same procedure, but in reverse.