Other Locations
Expanding your program . . .

While all the activities and learning experiences at Campanario can keep you busy for weeks, there are other beautiful and educational places we frequently visit close to San Jose, in other corners of Costa Rica, and between San Jose and Campanario which can be added to expand your program. Some of these locations have already been listed and briefly described under Cultural Conservation and Low-Impact Living. Depending on your program design, some of these other locations may already be included in your itinerary. Contact us for more information.
Here is a short list of other locations we visit:
Arenal Volcano
Butterfly Kingdom
Caño Palma, Tortuguero
Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation, La Carpio, www.crhf.org
Empresa de Servicios Publicos de Heredia y Ture Huá
highland bogs
Irazu Volcano
La Selva
Las Cruces Wilson Botanical Gardens
Los Cusingos
Los Nimbulos
Monteverde cloud forest
Museo de Jade
Museo de Oro
Parismina turtle project, Stanley
Parque Nacional Marino Ballena
Poas Volcano
Talamanca cloud forest
Teatro Nacional
Trapiche de Nayo
Click here for Cultural Conservation programs.
Click here for Low-Impact Living programs
Click here for Activities at Campanario