Activities at Campanario
Never a Dull Moment!

Activities in and around Campanario are numerous! Some of these excursions and events may already be scheduled for your trip's program, but if not, please write us for the latest availability and costs, as special arrangements need to be made for certain activities. Here is a list of possibilities for activities during your trip to Campanario. They are in no particular order.
Caño Island Trip:
This is a half-day trip to the island for snorkeling off the shore. Fringing coral reefs can be seen along with a myriad of fish, white-tip sharks, rays, turtles, dolphins, and whales during certain seasons.
San Pedrillo in Corcovado National Park:
This is not a long hike in distance, but we take our time to observe and learn along the way. San Pedrillo is the northernmost ranger station within Corcovado National Park. The day hike offers a refreshing swimming hole and beautiful waterfall, with a picnic lunch along the way.
Llorona Beach, Corcovado National Park:
This is a long hike to a spectacular beach and waterfall in Corcovado National Park. It is recommended that the trip be made on a day when low tide is at mid-day in order to see the waterfall. This hike is for the serious hiker and is not for everyone.
Sirena Ranger Station, Corcovado National Park:
Visiting this ranger station located further south in the middle of the park is an hour’s boat trip away. Hikes through these lesser known trails usually uncover an abundance of rare wildlife.
Sierpe-Terraba Mangrove Forest Reserve:
This is a beautiful trip through one of Costa Rica's 12 Ramsar sites, or protected wetlands. Depending upon the time of year, you'll see mangroves in flower or with their propagules. For more information about Ramsar sites see: http://www.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsar-documents-list/main/ramsar/1-31-218_4000_0__
Kayaks can be arranged for seeing the mangroves up close. Remember to go quietly and keep your eyes open for herons, sloths, squirrel monkeys, and crocodiles.
Scuba Diving:
Diving trips can be arranged for those who already have a license, and for beginners who have finished their classroom and swimming pool training and are ready for their first open-water dives. The dive masters we contract are licensed PADI instructors. Diving trips include a trip to the area around Caño Island, two tanks, equipment rental, lunch and dive master.
Dolphin & Whale Watching:
These are experiences never to be forgotten. A boat takes you out beyond Caño Island to search for these spectacular creatures. Boats remain at a sufficient distance to ensure the animals' and your safety.
Horseback Riding:
These excursions will take you inland to see forested and deforested lands away from Campanario. You might also visit a local farm. We stay on established roads.
Deforested Areas:
A few hours walk north of Campanario, you will find greater human impact on the land and can compare deforested areas to the lush forest of Campanario. The difference is striking.
Los Planes:
The 2-3 hour hike to visit the community of Los Planes to have lunch, to visit the general store, to work on a service project at the school, and/or visit a farm is an all-day excursion. This hike generally shows the first steps along the continuum of development.
Bat Cave:
This short walk is made in the late afternoon when we wait patiently for hundreds of bats to fly out of their day roost in a cave along the rocky coast.
This is an on-going experience to enjoy every day. Morning and late afternoon hikes are particularly fruitful. Click here to see our species lists for possible sightings.
Guided Hiking:
Most hikes and walks in the Campanario Biological Station are guided by a member of the staff. In addition, there are three trails with marked stops and self guided information booklets so you can enjoy the rain forest at your own leisure. We do ask that you always hike with a buddy.
Night Hikes:
Periodically there is an opportunity to hike at night to see what can be discovered, but always with a guide and each person with his/her own flashlight or headlamp.
Workshops, lectures, readings, discussions:
These activities occur almost daily in one form or another. Be sure to participate.
Visit to the local school:
This is a morning trip to see, but not interrupt, the one-room elementary school which is on the beach just north of Campanario. For those who are teachers among you, this school has one teacher, children in grades 1 - 6, and is not yet connected to the national electricity grid. In 2002 we initiated the school's first library. If you'd like to help, please bring an appropriate book in Spanish to donate. It would be most welcome.
Service Projects:
These projects can be of any duration and complexity as dictated by the desires of the participant and the needs of the beneficiary. Most of Campanario’s service work has been directed toward local schools, however, the possibilities are endless.
Right off the Campanario shore you can find good snorkeling. There are a few sets of fins, masks, and snorkels at Campanario. Don't forget an underwater camera.
Campanario is blessed with a beautiful and secluded beach, The waters are usually clear and warm and the surf gentle enough to invite swimming. We can't offer rough waves for surfing - sorry.
Just Plain Goofing Off:
Don't forget the simple pleasures of lying in a hammock, following a morpho butterfly, watching beautiful sunsets, and just goofing off. That is also allowed!